Live Longer Better National Event ‘Celebrate and Activate’ – 2 weeks to go

Live Longer Better National Event ‘Celebrate and Activate’ – 2 weeks to go

With just two weeks to go to the Live Longer Better (LLB) conference on 20 March, the full list of speakers for this day, which will celebrate this important movement, has now been confirmed.

As previously announced, key speakers for the day include Kim Leadbeater MP, Member of Parliament for Batley and Spen, and Sarah Price, National Director of Public Health, and they will be joined over the course of the day by a fantastic selection of speakers representing national partners and the Active Partnerships network. The list includes:

  • Peter Dutton, Activation Manager, Richmond Group of Charities who will be talking about the ‘We are Undefeatable’ campaign
  • Lisa Wood and Saliha Ahmed from Wesport with Christine Wedlake from Age UK South Gloucestershire, who will be talking about ‘Partnership Working across Aging Well’
  • Prof. Scarlett McNally, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon from East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, who will be discussing ‘Exercise – the miracle cure to fix the NHS, social care and the economy’
  • Andrew Power, Water Wellbeing Specialist from Swim England, discussing the integration of aquatic activity into physical activity pathways for older adults.

A number of Active Partnerships will also be present throughout the day, sharing their experiences within a local context.

The event will focus on the next steps for the movement as it evolves into a new phase over the coming months, continuing to help people maximise their independence later in life through being active and to minimise the time spent in ill health.

The Live Longer Better (LLB) movement started in December 2020 and it has been funded by Sport England from April 2022 to March 2024. It has been delivered with the support of 30 Active Partnerships who have all been part of the LLB Community of Practice and Learning.  Over the course of the project more than 3,800 people have attended events, with 350 local and national speakers contributing to the sessions.

The conference on 20 March, which reached capacity just a few weeks after it was announced, has been organised by the Active Partnerships National Organisation, together with representatives from across the Active Partnerships network, to celebrate the achievements of the Live Longer Better movement. The LLB movement was originally inspired by Sir Muir Gray who will also be in attendance at this month’s event.

For more details about the Live Longer Better movement, please visit this page.

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