Shenfield High School’s reopen their pool thanks to Opening Schools Facilities Funding

Shenfield High School’s reopen their pool thanks to Opening Schools Facilities Funding

Thanks to Opening Schools Facilities funding (OSF), Shenfield High School have been able to re-open their swimming pool for both school and community use. In 2023, Shenfield High School closed with immediate effect due to safety issues within the facility. This had a major impact on children’s involvement in school’s lessons, after school clubs and hiring out to external providers, resulting in financial loss for the school.

Through OSF funding, Shenfield High School have purchased a new circulation pump and dosing system for the pool plant room, new lane ropes have been installed alongside new access ladders. These vital replacements have enabled the pool to reopen and introduce a SEND swimming club after school on a Friday. By also purchasing specialist pool toys/learning aids, the most vulnerable students have the chance to experience physical activity in a safe environment. The OSF funding has enabled other primary schools in Essex to take advantage of the pool too, by being able to host Panathlon inclusive swimming opportunities.

Without the OSF funding enabling the pool to reopen, the school wouldn’t have been able to offer the space to our students to train in ahead of reaching the National Swimming Finals for the first time.

The swimming pool is now open 7 days a week, with lessons, after school clubs, competitions and training sessions all being hosted on sight. As a result of the funding, Shenfield High School have had 159 children and young people engage in swimming activities since March 2023.

Read more on this case study from Active Essex.

Case study provided courtesy of Active Essex

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