Kim Leadbeater MP confirmed as keynote speaker at Live Longer Better conference

Kim Leadbeater MP confirmed as keynote speaker at Live Longer Better conference

Kim Leadbeater MP has been confirmed as the keynote speaker at the Live Longer Better conference which will be hosted in London on 20 March.

The conference has been organised by the Active Partnerships National Organisation, together with representatives from across the Active Partnerships network, to celebrate the achievements of the Live Longer Better movement, which was originally inspired by Sir Muir Gray who will also be attending next month’s event.

The event will focus on the next steps for the movement which will be moving into a new phase over the coming months, ensuring that Live Longer Better continues to evolve, to help people to maximise their independence later in life through being active and to minimise the time spent in ill health.

The conference, which has now reached capacity after attracting more than 200 delegates in just a few weeks, will provide an opportunity for representatives from across the Active Partnerships network together with their local partners, to come together with key national organisations such as Sport England, Age UK and representatives from across the NHS.

Kim Leadbeater will speak on the topic of ‘Healthy Britain: a new approach to health and wellbeing’, focusing on her 2023 report which outlined how the aim should be to ensure people live as well as possible, for as long as possible.

Sarah Price, Director of Public Health for NHS England will also be speaking at the event, along with representatives from Sport England, Swim England, The Richmond Group of Charities, Good Boost and Move Consulting.

Annie Holden, Active Partnerships National Organisation’s Strategic Health Lead and Live Longer Better Project Manager, said:

“We have had a fantastic response to this event and we are delighted that we have been able to secure such high calibre speakers.

“The Live Longer Better movement was highlighted in Professor Chris Whitty’s annual report at the end of last year as a great example of cross collaborative working and using physical activity as the driver to increase the healthspan for older adults. This clearly demonstrates the programme’s importance and we are looking forward to discussing its success and impact so far, as well as turning our attention to the future of the programme.

“The event will provide an inclusive and interactive platform to inform and connect passionate people, sharing innovative approaches and initiatives to help people improve their quality of life.”

If you would like more information about Live Longer Better, please visit the programme’s dedicated website. More details about next month’s event will be released soon.

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