Tackling the drop off in girls’ physical activity levels

Tackling the drop off in girls’ physical activity levels

Here Girls Can Conference

The first Here Girls Can Conference was recently held with the purpose to inspire and empower teachers to make changes back in their own school to tackle the drop-off in girls’ physical activity levels.

Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire shared insight from the Here Girls Can campaign, now in it’s 7th year. A panel of experts including This Girl Can activators, shared case studies and their experiences with a room of teachers and school staff. A menstrual education theme was embedded throughout, as this has been identified by the teenage girls as one of the greatest barriers.

Schools are already reporting back hwo they are implementing the insight shared:
– Schools are consulting with girls about PE kit and sports bras are being added to kit lists.
– Teachers are educating other staff members about period products, such as cups – conversations and information are being shared in the staff room.
– Display boards with information about the menstrual cycle are being made and girls are identifying which bits should be shared more prominently with male peers.
– New schools are wanting to access the Here Girls Can festival, so their pupils can hear and experience this for themselves.

To find out more about Here Girls Can visit https://www.activehw.co.uk/2022-school-campaign

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