The impact of Opening School Facilities on SEN and Workforce at Laurel Park School

The impact of Opening School Facilities on SEN and Workforce at Laurel Park School

London Sport recently visited Laurel Park School who received OSF Funding for new trampolines, safety equipment and expert coaching from the local trampolining club (Zenith Trampolining Club). Not only have they enhanced their facilities, but they’ve also created an engaging community club that happens weekly and even empowered their students to lead sessions for the
younger years. This shining example illustrates how schools can leverage OSF Funding for not only school enhancement but also community enrichment.

In the early stages of the initiative, the school identified a dedicated student, Keiran, who had never experienced trampolining until a year ago. Keiran’s journey unfolded from entering the school trampolining competition to securing a spot in the London Youth Games squad trials. His passion and success not only transformed him into a skilled coach but also inspired a ripple effect among his peers.

Keiran’s story became the linchpin of the project, encouraging other students to volunteer their time. Witnessing Keiran’s transformation from a novice to a London Youth Games competitor and coach sparked enthusiasm among his peers. Year 7 students, who had only recently been introduced to trampolining in PE lessons, willingly extended their school hours to coach primary school kids. Keiran’s influence became the driving force, illustrating the transformative power of sport on young minds.

To continue reading the case study, please click here.

Case study courtesy of London Sport.

Image courtesy of the Sport England Image Library.

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